How to Travel Solo and Find Safe and Social Hotels


The Importance of Solo Travel and Finding Safe and Social Hotels

Traveling solo can be one of the most exhilarating experiences of your life. It provides an opportunity for self-discovery, personal growth, and adventure that can be difficult to replicate in any other context. However, it can also be fraught with uncertainty and fear if not done properly.

Knowing how to find safe and social hotels is essential for any solo traveler who wants to make the most out of their trip without sacrificing their safety. In the past, solo travel was often seen as a risky activity reserved only for the brave or foolhardy.

However, in recent years this perception has shifted thanks to a growing interest in solo travel among millennials and Gen Z travelers. In fact, according to a 2018 survey conducted by, more than half of global travelers are planning a solo trip within the next year.

The Benefits of Solo Travel

Solo travel offers many benefits that are simply not available when traveling with others. For one thing, you have complete control over your itinerary, allowing you to see exactly what you want when you want without having to compromise with anyone else’s preferences. Additionally, traveling alone can help you develop greater self-confidence and independence as you navigate unfamiliar territory on your own.

Moreover, solo travel is an excellent opportunity for reflection and personal growth as it allows you ample time to contemplate your thoughts without distraction from others. It provides an opportunity for self-discovery as well as cultural immersion through interaction with locals rather than just sticking with fellow companions.

yet importantly,solo travel opens up opportunities for meeting new people on the road who share similar interests or outlooks on life – thus broadening horizons beyond what may otherwise be possible when traveling with others. Overall,solo travel is an exciting way to gain self-confidence while exploring new cultures at one’s own pace.

However, it is important to find safe and social hotels to ensure that the experience is positive and worry-free. In the following sections, we will discuss how to research your destination, book a hotel, pack safely, and make friends while traveling solo.

Researching Your Destination

Researching the safety level of your destination

One of the most important things to consider when traveling solo is the safety level of your destination. Before you book your trip, do some research on the crime rate and political stability of the area.

Check travel advisories issued by government agencies, such as the US Department of State or the UK Foreign Office, for any warnings or alerts. In addition, it’s a good idea to familiarize yourself with local customs and laws.

For example, in some countries, it’s illegal to drink alcohol in public or dress immodestly. Knowing these things ahead of time can help you avoid inadvertently breaking any rules and getting into trouble.

Reading reviews on hotels to ensure safety and social atmosphere

When it comes to finding safe and social hotels for solo travelers, reading online reviews can be incredibly helpful. Look for reviews that specifically mention solo travel or single occupancy rooms.

Pay attention to comments about safety and security measures, such as locks on doors and windows or 24-hour front desk service. In addition to safety features, look for reviews that mention a social atmosphere or opportunities for meeting other travelers.

Some hostels offer communal spaces like lounges or kitchens where guests can hang out together. Hotels may also host events like happy hours or city tours that provide opportunities for socializing.

Choosing a location that is known for solo travelers

Another factor to consider when choosing a destination is whether it’s popular among solo travelers. Places like Bali, Thailand, and Costa Rica are known for their large communities of backpackers and digital nomads who often travel alone. These destinations typically have plenty of accommodations catering specifically to solo travelers, as well as activities designed for people traveling alone.

Choosing a location with a high concentration of solo travelers can also make it easier to meet other people and form connections. You may find that you run into familiar faces at hostels or cafes, or that you’re able to join group tours with other solo travelers.

Booking Your Hotel

Look for hotels that offer social events or activities for guests

One of the best ways to meet new people while traveling solo is by staying at a hotel that offers social events and activities for their guests. Many hotels offer free walking tours, happy hours, or other group events that allow you to connect with other travelers. Not only will these activities be a fun way to explore your destination, but they can also help you break the ice with other guests.

When searching for a hotel, make sure to look for information about any social events or activities they offer on their website or through their booking platform. You can also read reviews from past guests to get an idea of how social the hotel atmosphere is.

Choose a hotel with 24-hour front desk service or security

Safety should be your top priority when traveling solo, so it’s important to choose a hotel with 24-hour front desk service or security. This ensures that there is always someone available if you need help or have an emergency.

When booking your hotel, make sure to ask about their safety measures and inquire about any potential risks in the surrounding area. If you’re staying in a hostel or budget accommodation, it’s also important to consider security measures such as lockers for your belongings and secure entrances.

Consider booking a private room in a hostel for a more social experience

Staying in a hostel is often seen as one of the best ways to meet new people while traveling solo since many hostels offer communal areas where guests can hang out and get to know each other. However, sharing a dormitory-style room with strangers isn’t always comfortable for everyone. If you’re looking for more privacy but still want the opportunity to meet other travelers, consider booking a private room in a hostel instead.

This allows you to have your own space while still having access to the hostel’s communal areas and events. Private rooms in hostels are often much cheaper than a private room in a hotel, making them a great option for budget-conscious travelers.

Overall, when booking your hotel for solo travel, it’s important to consider not only the safety measures but also the social atmosphere of the property. By choosing a hotel that offers activities and events for guests or staying in a hostel with communal spaces, you increase your chances of meeting new people and having an enjoyable solo travel experience.

Packing Tips

Pack Light to Avoid Carrying Heavy Luggage Alone

It’s essential to pack light when traveling solo, especially if you’re going to be carrying your luggage around by yourself. Packing light will not only make it easier for you to move around but also save you money on luggage fees. When packing, consider the activities you’ll be doing and the weather conditions in your destination.

You don’t need to bring your entire wardrobe; instead, focus on versatile clothing that can be mixed and matched. Consider investing in a high-quality backpack or suitcase that is comfortable to carry and has enough space for all your essentials.

Rolling suitcases are perfect for smooth surfaces like airports, but they can be challenging to maneuver on bumpy roads or stairs. On the other hand, backpacks are more suitable for outdoor adventures but can strain your back if they’re too heavy.

Bring Important Documents Such as Passport, ID, and Emergency Contacts

When traveling solo, it’s crucial to ensure that you have all the necessary documents with you at all times. This includes your passport, ID card, travel insurance policy information, and emergency contacts such as family members or friends who can help you in case of an emergency.

Make copies of these documents and store them online or in a separate bag from your original documents. That way, if anything happens to them during your travels, you won’t lose everything at once.

Additionally, consider carrying some cash with you at all times since credit cards may not always work in every location. Keep a backup debit card locked up securely with the rest of your important documents.

Pack Comfortable Shoes for Exploring Your Destination

You’ll likely spend a lot of time walking around exploring new destinations when traveling solo. Therefore packing comfortable shoes should be one of your top priorities when preparing for a trip.

Consider packing a pair of sneakers, sandals or boots depending on the terrain and weather conditions. Ensure that these shoes are well-worn and broken in before your trip to avoid blisters and sore feet.

It’s also a good idea to pack some flip flops or slippers for lounging in your hotel room and breathable socks to keep your feet cool and dry. Always remember that comfort is essential when traveling solo as it will make your journey much more enjoyable.

Staying Safe While Traveling Solo

Solo travel can be an incredibly rewarding experience, but it’s important to take safety precautions to ensure a smooth and enjoyable trip. As a solo traveler, you are solely responsible for your own safety and well-being, so it’s important to be aware of your surroundings at all times.

Be aware of your surroundings at all times

When traveling solo, it’s important to stay alert and aware of your environment. Whether you’re walking through a busy city street or exploring a remote hiking trail, be sure to pay attention to what’s going on around you. Keep an eye out for any potential dangers or suspicious persons, and trust your instincts if something doesn’t feel right.

If you’re unsure about the safety of an area or activity, do some research beforehand or ask locals or hotel staff for their recommendations. It’s always better to err on the side of caution when traveling alone.

Keep valuables locked up or on you at all times

One of the biggest concerns for solo travelers is the risk of theft or loss of valuable items such as passports, credit cards, phones, and cameras. To minimize this risk, always keep your valuables locked up in a secure location when not in use.

If staying in a hostel or hotel room with other travelers, use lockers provided by the establishment to store your belongings securely. When out exploring during the day, consider carrying only essential items such as cash and ID on you in a secure travel wallet around your neck or waist.

Avoid walking alone at night in unfamiliar areas

Nighttime can be particularly dangerous for solo travelers in unfamiliar areas. Avoid walking alone after dark if possible and stick to well-lit areas with plenty of people around.

If you must walk alone at night, stay on main streets and avoid shortcuts through dark alleys or unfamiliar neighborhoods. It’s also a good idea to let someone know where you’re going and when you expect to return, especially if venturing out alone at night.

This way, someone will be aware of your whereabouts in the event that something goes wrong. By taking these safety precautions while traveling solo, you’ll be able to enjoy your trip with peace of mind and focus on all the amazing experiences that come with exploring new places on your own terms.

Making Friends While Traveling Solo

Join group tours or activities to meet other travelers

One of the best ways for solo travelers to meet new people is by joining group tours or activities. Many cities offer walking tours, food tours, and adventure activities where you can join other travelers and explore your destination together.

By participating in these group activities, you’ll have the opportunity to meet like-minded individuals who share your interests. When choosing a tour or activity, make sure to research the company beforehand and read reviews from other travelers.

Look for companies that specialize in small group sizes or solo traveler groups. This will give you a better chance of forming connections with your fellow travelers.

Attend events hosted by your hotel

If you’re staying at a hotel, check their schedule for any events they may be hosting. Many hotels offer social events such as happy hours, game nights, or even language classes where guests can mingle and get to know each other.

Attending these types of events is an easy way to meet fellow travelers in a comfortable and relaxed environment. Plus, you’ll get insider tips from locals working at the hotel on where to go and what to do in the area.

Use social media platforms to connect with other solo travelers

Social media has made it easier than ever before for solo travelers to connect with one another. Platforms such as Facebook Groups and offer forums specifically dedicated to connecting solo travellers with others traveling in their destination.

You can also use Instagram hashtags like #solotraveler or #travelcommunity to find other like-minded individuals who are traveling alone in your area. Reach out and ask if anyone wants to grab coffee or explore together – you never know who you might meet!

Making friends while traveling solo may seem daunting at first but there are many opportunities out there waiting for you. By joining group tours or activities, attending events hosted by your hotel, and using social media to connect with other travelers, you’ll have no shortage of opportunities to meet new people and form long-lasting friendships.


Traveling solo can be an exciting and rewarding experience if done safely and mindfully. With the right research, preparation, and mindset, you can create unforgettable memories while meeting new people and exploring the world on your own terms.

Remember to prioritize safety first when planning your solo trip. Research the safety level of your destination, read reviews on hotels, and choose a location that is known for solo travelers.

Be aware of your surroundings at all times and keep your valuables locked up or on you at all times. Avoid walking alone at night in unfamiliar areas.

But don’t forget to also embrace the social aspect of traveling solo. Look for hotels that offer social events or activities for guests, join group tours or activities to meet other travelers, attend events hosted by your hotel, or use social media platforms to connect with other solo travelers.

You never know who you might meet or what adventures await you. Traveling solo is not only possible but also highly enjoyable if done safely and with an open mind.

Whether you’re looking to explore a new city or country in-depth, take time for self-reflection and personal growth, or simply enjoy some time away from it all – traveling solo is an experience like no other. So go out there confidently and discover all that this beautiful world has to offer!


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